Some time around Year 7 of teaching High School Accounting, it became clear to me that I needed to change the way that I was teaching, note-taking, assessing, and well…doing really EVERYTHING! I was lecturing, showing PowerPoints, completing the WORK TOGETHERS…together…and having students complete the ON YOUR OWN…on their own. As you would guess, I would assign the application problems, mastery problems, and use the textbook’s chapter tests. It was dry, BORING, and NOT at all engaging.
I dedicated a summer to taking the key take-aways and putting my creative side to use and created my SNIP NOTESā¢ Interactive Note Taking Graphic Organizers for Accounting Class!
The first year that I used snip notesā¢, I saw such a difference in student engagement and I really saw students take ownership of their learning!
This note-taking resource has over 20 snips. Each snip covers a key accounting concept:
- Types of Business Ownership
- Types of Businesses
- Account Classifications/Accounting Equation
- Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity defined
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- Accounting Careers
- Accounting Cycle
- Branches of Accounting
- Income Statement/Balance Sheet
- Cash Control System
- Payroll
- Special Journals
- …and more!

My ACCOUNTING CLASS SNIP NOTEā¢ INTERACTIVE NOTE TAKING RESOURCE is available in my Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) Store. CLICK HERE to purchase!

Prefer a Digital Version of this Resource?
Perfect for a 1:1 initiative!!!

CLICK HERE to purchase the DIGITAL VERSION, so that your students can start completing their own ACCOUNTING DIGITAL NOTEBOOK TODAY!

Accounting Class Snip-Notesā¢ System