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Making Accounting Class Note Taking ENGAGING made EASY!

Some time around Year 7 of teaching High School Accounting, it became clear to me that I needed to change the way that I was teaching, note-taking, assessing, and well…doing really EVERYTHING! I was lecturing, showing PowerPoints, completing the WORK TOGETHERS…together…and having students complete the ON YOUR OWN…on their own. As you would guess, I would assign the application problems, mastery problems, and use the textbook’s chapter tests. It was dry, BORING, and NOT at all engaging.

I dedicated a summer to taking the key take-aways and putting my creative side to use and created my SNIP NOTESā„¢ Interactive Note Taking Graphic Organizers for Accounting Class!

The first year that I used snip notesā„¢, I saw such a difference in student engagement and I really saw students take ownership of their learning!

This note-taking resource has over 20 snips. Each snip covers a key accounting concept:

  • Types of Business Ownership
  • Types of Businesses
  • Account Classifications/Accounting Equation
  • Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Equity defined
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • Accounting Careers
  • Accounting Cycle
  • Branches of Accounting
  • Income Statement/Balance Sheet
  • Cash Control System
  • Payroll
  • Special Journals
  • …and more!
Students complete bell ringers and exit tickets right on the back of each snip. Students use the snip note folder to complete projects and use it as a resource when completing digital activities and digital simulations.
I used Astrobright Paper as well to liven things up!

My ACCOUNTING CLASS SNIP NOTEā„¢ INTERACTIVE NOTE TAKING RESOURCE is available in my Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) Store. CLICK HERE to purchase!

My #1 All-Time Best-Selling Accounting Class Resources

Prefer a Digital Version of this Resource?

Perfect for a 1:1 initiative!!!

All the snips are available in a Google Slide Deck FILLABLE version! Teacher’s Key included in the resource!
Students love being able to access their notes on their phones!

CLICK HERE to purchase the DIGITAL VERSION, so that your students can start completing their own ACCOUNTING DIGITAL NOTEBOOK TODAY!

The Digital Version of my Revolutionary
Accounting Class Snip-Notesā„¢ System

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