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Business Law Digital Discovery Lessons and Case Study Activities!

If you are teaching business law, you are teaching one of the most relevant classes! It is my belief that ALL High School students should have to take the course. Concepts such as: basic consumer laws, the goals of law, and worker’s rights, are concepts that all young people should know!

I have created an entire Introduction to Business Law course. Let me tell you a secret…I don’t teach using PowerPoints…ever! I have resources or slides with content that I project on my white board, but I never have my students take notes by a PowerPoint. Now…if PowerPoints or guided notes are your jam…no offense. So…how do students learn content? How do they get the essential information for each of the key concepts in Business Law? My students complete discovery activities. They are digital activities that may prompt students to “list the 8 basic consumer rights”. A reliable resource link is provided and students discover and complete activities using a vetted link. I go over each concept with my students to assure that they capture the correct information.

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