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Selling to Generations 7 Activities – Consumer Behavior Marketing Class Lessons

$ 9.50

My Selling to the Generation Consumer Behavior Marketing Unit is a fun and engaging way to teach about how companies target the different generations with their products and services.
Perfect for any Marketing class, Intro to Business, and Entrepreneurship class. NO PREP!
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My Selling to the Generation Consumer Behavior Marketing Unit is a fun and engaging way to teach about how companies target the different generations with their products and services.
Perfect for any Marketing class, Intro to Business, and Entrepreneurship class. NO PREP!
Students also learn the six living generations:
  • G.I. Generation
  • Mature Generation
  • Baby Boomer
  • Gen X
  • Gen Y
  • Gen Z
  • Gen A (not included yet)
The Lesson Library contains SEVEN activities:
  1. Discovering the Six Living Generations.
  2. Selling to the Different Generations.
  3. Selling Vehicles/Beverages to the Different Generations.
  4. Selling to the trillion dollar generation: Millennials!
  5. Selling Cereal to the Different Generations.
  6. My Generation Brand Board – Students create a brand board by listing 5-10 brands that are targeting their generation.
  7. Teacher Demographics – The teacher lists describing words about himself/herself, then the students work in a collaborative file to identify businesses and/or brands to represent them.
**Teacher’s Keys and Student Examples are Included**
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