My Selling to the Generation Consumer Behavior Marketing Unit is a fun and engaging way to teach about how companies target the different generations with their products and services.
⭐Perfect for any Marketing class, Intro to Business, and Entrepreneurship class. NO PREP!
Students also learn the six living generations:
G.I. Generation
Mature Generation
Baby Boomer
Gen X
Gen Y
Gen Z
Gen A (not included yet)
The Lesson Library contains SEVEN activities:
Discovering the Six Living Generations.
Selling to the Different Generations.
Selling Vehicles/Beverages to the Different Generations.
Selling to the trillion dollar generation: Millennials!
Selling Cereal to the Different Generations.
My Generation Brand Board – Students create a brand board by listing 5-10 brands that are targeting their generation.
Teacher Demographics – The teacher lists describing words about himself/herself, then the students work in a collaborative file to identify businesses and/or brands to represent them.
**Teacher’s Keys and Student Examples are Included**