Why sketch accounting concepts?
- Use your left AND right brain!
- Revisit important concepts
- “See” concepts in a different and more visual way
- Turn verbal instruction to visible
- The more we SEE information,…the better we RETAIN it!
- Have FUN while learning!

I use sketch noting AFTER I teach the first three chapters in my text to review and revisit those super-important concepts that really need to be mastered before moving forward.
The second time that I sketch note with students is the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE vs ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE concepts.
I also have a sketch note that I complete with students when explaining the accounts included on both the INCOME STATEMENT & BALANCE SHEETS.

I also make the above anchor chart to explain the sometimes confusing concept of RECEIVABLES vs PAYABLES. I make one live with each of my classes while they complete their own smaller version. Students admit that the activity helps clear-up confusion and helps them understand the difference between the customers and vendors. I will often see students looking back at my large anchor chart during future lessons to reference this visual aid as I always put my anchor charts on display for student reference in future lessons.

This engaging and creative resource is available in my TpT Store! The sketch notes included:
- Accounting equation and account classifications
- Financial statements
- Receivables vs Payables
TEACHERS KEYS ARE INCLUDED for easy completion! Just project the key on the board for students to copy and complete. I will often play music while they color…why not have FUN in accounting class???
CLICK HERE to purchase my Accounting Sketch Notes!