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Your First Week of School Lesson Plans…DONE!

Your First week of school lesson plans…done!

How do I keep my incoming business education students engaged while their schedules are still being finalized and many do not have a device yet?  That’s why I created, what has become, my all-time best selling resource – America Runs on Business™!

first week of school lesson plans
American Runs on Business™

Why is America Runs on Business™ so awesome?

America Runs on Business™ gets your students thinking about business in America on Day 1!

  1. There is a student business activity file (Perfect for the first day of school or semester!)
  2.  An infographic presentation with WebQuest and industry analysis.
  3. A prompt to have students complete a Google Slide to add to a collaborative project file, so that students are in the driver’s seat and leading the instruction!
  4. A “Most Recognizable Brands-Memory Challenge” game is included.
  5. My Logo/Slogan game is included – Students love this!
  6. A ‘Would You Rather’ game was added in August 2023.
  7. Plus, the beautifully-themed and wildly popular America Runs on Business™ bulletin board is included!
Teachers rave about my America Runs on Business!


Denise Leigh’s products are always wonderful! There are plenty of activities to fill your first week of school.  They can be used in many classes, which is always a plus when you are a multi-prep teacher.   -Lauren B.


Moving to a new school I needed to start over with curriculum and instruction. I couldn’t be more grateful for this resource.  Thank you for everything! I loved this!   -Maryann R.


This is a great first week activity for my business students. They are completely engaged in it.   -Jennifer C.


Love this resource! I use it every year during the first week of school. This year I also used the bulletin board which turned out super cute!   -April H. 

What classes would you use ‘america runs on business™’?

America Runs on Business™ is perfect for:

  • Business Essentials (Introduction to Business)
  • Entrepreneurship class
  • Marketing class
  • Accounting class
  • Personal Finance
  • …or really any Business Education class!
A woman holding a drink in front of a bulletin board.
America Runs on Business™ includes this AWESOME bulletin board!
A classroom with desks and computers on it.
My Business Education Classroom

America Runs on Business™ is available in my web shop.

America Runs on Business™ is also available in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Buying off my web shop provides me with the most support to continue providing you with top notch resources and I so appreciate it.

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