Shop My Business Education Lessons

Workplace Performance Expectations – Classroom Management Tool First Week Lesson

$ 6.50

My Workplace Performance Expectations discovery activities resource for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Business Education Classes is an engaging career readiness activity to introduce workplace performance expectations to your students. This is a great addition to your class when teaching workplace expectations and career readiness. Great for first week of school…or ANYTIME! Great tool for classroom management!

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My Workplace Performance Expectations discovery activities resource for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Business Education Classes is an engaging career readiness activity to introduce workplace performance expectations to your students. This is a great addition to your class when teaching workplace expectations and career readiness. Great for first week of school…or ANYTIME! Great tool for classroom management!

Included in this resource:

  • Digital Discovery Activity Lesson
  • Collaborative Bulletin Board File
  • Title Page for the Bulletin Board
  • Teacher Tips and Instructional Video


This lesson teaches the true meaning of collaboration and learning by doing!

What are others educators saying?


I did this activity with my freshman in September. It is something that I am constantly referring back to. Great tool for classroom management. All teachers should purchase this one!


I love all of Denise Leigh’s interactive activities. My students have some great discussions as they take charge of their own learning.


Great resources to have student lead instructions and discuss business and classroom expectations. It did not disappoint.

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