My TIME CAPSULE Computer Applications Class project can be used as a Microsoft or Google Applications project. It is a great way to reiterate and revisit some key tools and important formatting that is learned in a Computer Applications class!
THIS FILE IS COMPLETELY EDITABLE! MAKE IT YOUR OWN to meet your students knowledge level. NO PREP!
My students ❤️ this project! I use it as a final/capstone project. ✅
In order for students to complete this project, they must know the following:
- Using bullets and numbers
- Formatting a business letter
- Create a table
- Format a table
- Merge cells in a table
- Change font size and color of font
- Insert a header
- Use Google Explore Tool
- Insert images or pictures in a document
- Format pictures and images
- Format a document in two columns
- Compose a letter
There are 5 time capsule items that students will prepare to submit to their time capsule. My students put all time capsule submissions in a sock to ‘sock away’ for many years. Items can be placed in an envelope as well. Labels are included in the resource OR you can have students make their own label.