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Seven (7) Functions Marketing Class Case Study – Digital Resource Lesson Activity

$ 4.75

This is a great resource for introducing the SEVEN FUNCTION OF MARKETING or reviewing them at the end of the semester in a Marketing Class. NO PREP!  Also, a GREAT activity for a SUB DAY or REMOTE LEARNING!

Great for a Marketing, Intro to Business, Entrepreneurship, & Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Class.

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This is a great resource for introducing the SEVEN FUNCTION OF MARKETING or reviewing them at the end of the semester in a Marketing Class. NO PREP!  Also, a GREAT activity for a SUB DAY or REMOTE LEARNING!
This Activity has FOUR sections:
  1. The 1st section is a ‘list and explain’ general review.
  2. The 2nd section is a case study on how Wal-Mart implements each of the 7 steps of Marketing. Students watch an example and then students act as a ‘Marketing Analyst’ and complete their own case study of Wal-Mart.
  3. The 3rd section lists a variety of companies and functions and asks the student to give an example of how that company might implement that function to market.
  4. The 4th section prompts the student to look at their own consumer behavior and list products in which they are brand loyal.
An EXCELLENT source of review or introduction using 21st Century teaching strategies.
Great for a Marketing, Intro to Business, Entrepreneurship, & Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Class.

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