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PATENT LAW & SCRUB DADDY – Business Law Class Case Study Digital Activity Lesson

$ 5.00

My PATENTS LAW digital activity is great for Business Law, Intro to Business, or Entrepreneurship class. Students EXPLORE patents, DISCOVER types of patents, and LEARN why patents are necessary for businesses. My Patents lesson uses POPULAR and FUN products to illustrate real-world examples! My students ❤️ this CRITICAL THINKING activity. NO PREP!

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A picture of some credit cards and logos.


My PATENTS LAW digital activity is great for Business Law, Intro to Business, or Entrepreneurship class. Students EXPLORE patents, DISCOVER types of patents, and LEARN why patents are necessary for businesses. My Patents lesson uses POPULAR and FUN products to illustrate real-world examples! My students ❤️ this CRITICAL THINKING activity. NO PREP!

Students do a case study on the SCRUB DADDY. I choose to watch the videos WITH my class in this particular lesson and then have them complete the digital activity on their own.

⭐Also includes a lesson on Shark Tank personality and entrepreneur Lori Greiner.⭐

Students do a WEB SEARCH on a product ‘they could not live without’ and research it.

Lastly, for the last part of this lesson, I take my students to the Family and Consumer Science Room and we do a lab activity on the SCRUB DADDY! Lab takeaway activity also included.


(Some answers will vary as they are subjective)

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