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Intro to Business or Entrepreneurship Course – Note Taking Graphic Organizers

$ 30.00

My Snip Notes™ system is a revolutionary note-taking system for Business Essentials or an Introduction to Business class or an Entrepreneurship class!

My Business Essentials SNIP-NOTES™ are such an engaging and creative way to keep all of the essential information learned in your Introduction to Business Class, Business Essentials Class or an Entrepreneurship Class.

This note-taking system includes over 70 graphic organizers that include lessons on Business Basics, Business Ethics, Accounting, Personal Finance, Economics, Marketing, Business Law, and MORE! Guide your students through a process of keeping notes in their very own professional business portfolio in YOUR business classes!

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My Snip Notes™ system is a revolutionary note-taking system for Business Essentials or an Introduction to Business class or an Entrepreneurship class!

My Business Essentials SNIP-NOTES™ are such an engaging and creative way to keep all of the essential information learned in your Introduction to Business Class, Business Essentials Class or an Entrepreneurship Class.

This note-taking system includes over 70 graphic organizers that include lessons on Business Basics, Business Ethics, Accounting, Personal Finance, Economics, Marketing, Business Law, and MORE! Guide your students through a process of keeping notes in their very own professional business portfolio in YOUR business classes!

*** Be sure to WATCH MY YOUTUBE VIDEO demonstrating how to use the Snip-Note™ Interactive Note-Taking system in your classroom!***

**I have these Snip-Notes™ for all these classes – Accounting, Business Essentials, Career Exploratory, Personal Finance, Marketing, Business Law, and Business Plan (Entrepreneurship).**

You will receive a set of 70 FULL SIZED 8 ½” X 11″ graphic organizers for note-taking AND a set of the small snips-notes for students to add to their note-taking portfolios! In my classroom, students take notes on the full-sized pages and then transfer notes onto their snip-notes™. You do as you see fit and make this system your own! Also, you receive the teacher’s notes for each graphic organizer! You also get the clip art for the ‘leather flap’ to create an organized, professional looking portfolio for your business students to keep all of the essential information needed for your class. I give all of the instructions as to how to put this together and some great tips of what I do in my classroom to utilize this comprehensive system.

The over 70 Graphic Organizers include topics such as:

  • Types of Businesses -Types of Business Ownership
  • Business Ethics
  • Credit Score Basics – Making a Budget…Personal Financial Planning
  • Accounting Basics – Account Classifications, Debits/Credits, Accounting Equation, Purpose of Accounting, Financial Statement, and Accounting Cycle
  • Economics Basics – Wants/Needs, Supply/Demand
  • Marketing Basics – Marketing Mix, Target Market, Consumer Behavior, Factors of Production, Demographics, Product Life Cycle
  • Business Law – Goals of Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Consumer Rights, Worker’s Compensation, Contract Law, Warranties, Anti-trust law, Uniform Commercial Code
  • …and MORE!


My students LOVE this system! There are many possibilities on how to use the snip-notes™.

I include ‘bell ringers’ or ‘exit tickets’ for several snips. Students simply write their response on the backs of the snips to show off their critical thinking skills!


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