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Hershey vs Cadbury Imports Laws | Business Law Class Case Study Lesson

$ 4.25

My students LOVED discussing this imports lawsuit case study lesson – Cadbury vs Hershey! This business lawsuit digital activity has two links that will EXPLAIN the case so that your students EXPLORE the facts, ASSESS the outcome, SHARE their opinions.

✅Be prepared for some GREAT discussion and debate!

A CRITICAL THINKING activity that is BOTH Engaging and Fun!

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A picture of some credit cards and logos.


My students LOVED discussing this imports lawsuit case study lesson – Cadbury vs Hershey! This business lawsuit digital activity has two links that will EXPLAIN the case so that your students EXPLORE the facts, ASSESS the outcome, SHARE their opinions.

✅Be prepared for some GREAT discussion and debate!

I often teach this law lesson in the spring around Easter to tie the lesson to my Easter candy lesson.

Excellent for any Entrepreneurship class, Introduction to Business class, or Business law class!

NO PREP! Great for a Sub Day lesson plan or Remote Learning!

A CRITICAL THINKING activity that is BOTH Engaging and Fun!

This digital activity flawlessly sends to your LMS as it is a Google Doc.

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