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Accounting Class Sketch Notes Activity – Graphic Organizers for Intro or Review

$ 6.00

My Accounting Sketch Notes are an excellent way of introducing beginning Accounting concepts to introductory Accounting 1 students! My students LOVE my sketch notes – doodling and coloring as they are learning. I use this note-taking method with my beginning level Accounting students Grades 10 through 12. This would also be a great resource for an Introduction to Accounting unit for a General Business or Introduction to Business class.

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My Accounting Sketch Notes are an excellent way of introducing beginning Accounting concepts to introductory Accounting 1 students! My students LOVE my sketch notes – doodling and coloring as they are learning. I use this note-taking method with my beginning level Accounting students Grades 10 through 12. This would also be a great resource for an Introduction to Accounting unit for a General Business or Introduction to Business class.

There are five (5) sketch note sheets included in this product:

  • #1 Accounting Equation, Debits/Credits and Account Classification.
  • #2 Intro to Financial Statements.
  • #3 Difference between Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
  • #4 Special Journals
  • #5 An 8-column Financial Worksheet


Why sketch notes?

  • ✅Use the left AND the right side of the human brain at the same time!
  • ✅Helps in sense making
  • ✅Quick grasp and memory retention is better
  • ✅Eases clarity
  • ✅A tool for immersive learning
  • ✅Enables connection and synthesis ideas
  • ✅Visual metaphors
  • ✅Simplifies the complex!



Also, make great student artifacts for your Accounting classroom.

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