Shop My Business Education Lessons

Cereal Marketing – Basics for Intro to Marketing Class Digital Activity Lesson

$ 3.75

I try to educate my Marketing Class students on (not only) the Basic Concepts and Functions of Marketing, but I think that it is REALLY important that they are given an opportunity to THINK critically about business, sales, why consumers buy, and what thought process and ideas the companies need to consider when selling products and services.  I use a lot of real world examples.

**Before you do this activity with your class**, the students must have a basic understanding of MARKET SEGMENTS (Mass Market, Market Segment, Niche, and Individual), the MARKETING MIX (4 P’s of marketing), and DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS (Age, Sex, Generation, and Focus Groups).

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I try to educate my Marketing Class students on (not only) the Basic Concepts and Functions of Marketing, but I think that it is REALLY important that they are given an opportunity to THINK critically about business, sales, why consumers buy, and what thought process and ideas the companies need to consider when selling products and services.  I use a lot of real world examples.

**Before you do this activity with your class**, the students must have a basic understanding of MARKET SEGMENTS (Mass Market, Market Segment, Niche, and Individual), the MARKETING MIX (4 P’s of marketing), and DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS (Age, Sex, Generation, and Focus Groups).

This product is a fillable digital file OR a ‘Print and Teach’ Activity.

My activities often DO NOT HAVE AN ANSWER KEY because my activities require original ideas, various opinions, refection, and ranges in answers.  I want my learners to not only know the 4 Ps of marketing, but I want them to be able to apply each concept to products and services. I also try to use products and services that today’s teenagers can relate to and are familiar with.

Simply print and have students fill in the tables with their responses OR share on Google Classroom or another digital way to share.

My class meets 5 times a week and we have 42 minute class periods.  I complete this activity in one period. For block scheduling, a class discussion can follow for reflection time.

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