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Human Resource Management Career Research Exploration Activity | Career Class Lesson

$ 4.25

My Human Resource Management career digital resource has no-fail research links that offer students information to DISCOVER education needed for this career,

INVESTIGATE what life would be like if pursuing a career in human resources, and

ASSESS what skills are needed to succeed at that career.

Students are also prompted to EVALUATE themselves to see if they have what it takes to make it as a Human Resource Manager.

Great for Introduction to Business, Management, or Career class!⭐

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  • Create an account to download anytime
A picture of some credit cards and logos.


My Human Resource Management career digital resource has no-fail research links that offer students information to DISCOVER education needed for this career, INVESTIGATE what life would be like if pursuing a career in human resources, and ASSESS what skills are needed to succeed at that career. Students are also prompted to EVALUATE themselves to see if they have what it takes to make it as a Human Resource Manager.

Great for Introduction to Business, Management, or Career class!

This NO PREP digital lesson is a fabulous way to ENGAGE students! Just send to Google Classroom and students complete!

Great career discovery lesson! Excellent for a Sub Day, Remote Learning, or to do after testing.

This product is available in a money saving bundle of NINE Business Career Digital Activities! Business Careers Digital Research Activities

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