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Accounting Class Microsoft Excel Activities – Spreadsheets Introduction Lesson

$ 11.00

My Accounting Class Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet lesson is a great way to introduce Accounting students to the power of spreadsheets. The lesson includes an introductory booklet for students using Microsoft Excel. Simply print a booklet for each students and use these year after year!

Students create spreadsheets from scratch! There are no templates with this resource as templates teach students to ‘fill in the blank.’ Students are creating spreadsheets as well as learning to calculate and format them while tying in GAAP Concepts!

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My Accounting Class Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet lesson is a great way to introduce Accounting students to the power of spreadsheets. The lesson includes an introductory booklet for students using Microsoft Excel. Simply print a booklet for each students and use these year after year!

Students create spreadsheets from scratch! There are no templates with this resource as templates teach students to ‘fill in the blank.’ Students are creating spreadsheets as well as learning to calculate and format them while tying in GAAP Concepts!

This file is completely editable. EXCEL IS IMPORTANT for the accounting profession as it remains an industry leader for accounting records. This can be used in an Introductory Accounting class (Accounting 1) or Accounting 2 Class. NO PREP!

When would I do these lessons?

  • Students should be able to do Job #1 after learning account classifications.
  • Job #2 can be completed after they learn T-accounts.
  • Once they learn how to journalize transactions, which is Chapter 3, they will be able to complete each of the jobs in the packet.


Please NoteAdvanced spreadsheet concepts are not covered in this resource as this is an introductory resource.

⭐I taught accounting every year of my 28-year teaching career.⭐

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