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10 Essential Concepts to Cover in High School Marketing Class

I love teaching Marketing! There are so many awesome opportunities to be creative in a Marketing class. We used to have a full year Marketing class and several years ago they changed it to a half year because I needed freed up to teach another prep.  

When they changed our Marketing class to a semester instead of a full year, I didn’t feel like we should call it Marketing because I didn’t feel like I could effectively get through the Seven (7) Functions of Marketing in a semester; therefore, I renamed my course “Sales and Promotion.†My Marketing course focuses on the selling and promoting aspect of marketing instead of all seven functions. I do cover the seven functions of marketing in my class, but I don’t do a deep dive into all seven. 

I introduce the Seven Functions of Marketing with this introductory lesson activity.

A full semester course for personal finance

There are 10 Key Marketing Concepts that I believe every Marketing Class should cover:

  1. The Functions of Marketing
  2. Target Market/Ideal customer
  3. Demographics
  4. The Marketing Mix (4 Ps of Marketing)
  5. SWOT Analysis
  6. Unique selling point or position
  7. Marketing Pitch
  8. Marketing Careers and opportunities
  9. Ways to Advertise (Marketing Channels)
  10. Fair packaging and labeling

I have resources to teach all of these concepts – Check out the Marketing Section of my TpT Store.

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