I love teaching Marketing! There are so many awesome opportunities to be creative in a Marketing class. We used to have a full year Marketing class and several years ago they changed it to a half year because I needed freed up to teach another prep.
When they changed our Marketing class to a semester instead of a full year, I didn’t feel like we should call it Marketing because I didn’t feel like I could effectively get through the Seven (7) Functions of Marketing in a semester; therefore, I renamed my course “Sales and Promotion.†My Marketing course focuses on the selling and promoting aspect of marketing instead of all seven functions. I do cover the seven functions of marketing in my class, but I don’t do a deep dive into all seven.
I introduce the Seven Functions of Marketing with this introductory lesson activity.

There are 10 Key Marketing Concepts that I believe every Marketing Class should cover:
- The Functions of Marketing
- Target Market/Ideal customer
- Demographics
- The Marketing Mix (4 Ps of Marketing)
- SWOT Analysis
- Unique selling point or position
- Marketing Pitch
- Marketing Careers and opportunities
- Ways to Advertise (Marketing Channels)
- Fair packaging and labeling
I have resources to teach all of these concepts – Check out the Marketing Section of my TpT Store.