My Women Entrepreneurs digital discovery lessons are an excellent way to allow student to explore these four women entrepreneurs and what entrepreneurial traits they embody that have made them so successful! March 8th is International Woman’s Day and March is Women’s History Month.
⭐Great activity for Introduction to Business (Business Essentials) class and Entrepreneurship class.⭐
This is a choice board. I have my students choose two of the four that they would like to learn more about. YOU DO YOU…you may elect to have students complete each of the four and send them individually…or you may only want to choose one. SO many possibilities!
A Case Study of Four Women Entrepreneurs:
Oprah Winfrey (Harpo)
Sara Blakely (Spanx)
Debbi Fields (Mrs. Field cookies)
Cher Wang (HTC Corporation)
Modify by simply changing the instructions to your students in your own copy. Students simply click on the link and the forced copy allows them to instantly have their own copy in which they can respond to the questions about each women. Each digital activity has a NO FAIL resource link attached that will guide them through the childhood and early years of each entrepreneur and prompt them to think and analyze characteristics that made each lady successful, while your students learn about their business ventures! Students are prompted to answer the ‘why‘ of each women entrepreneur as well.
⭐You get FOUR independent discovery lessons in ONE resource! ⭐
Students are introduced to philanthropy and how each of these successful women give back.
An EXCELLENT way to show our students how women play a key role in business and contribute to the creation of companies and popular brands!