Shop My Business Education Lessons

Marketing Demographics Analysis Activities – Digital Lesson or Printout

$ 5.00

My Marketing Demographic activities are designed to be completed AFTER students are taught DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS and the components of a TARGET MARKET. Complete digitally as a Google Slides or easily convert to a Microsoft PowerPoint file. You can also print out to get students off their devices.

A great activity for Marketing, Intro to Business, Entrepreneurship, Family and Consumer Science (FACS), and School Store classes.

Great Critical Thinking! Great class discussions! NO PREP!

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A picture of some credit cards and logos.


My Marketing Demographic activities are designed to be completed AFTER students are taught DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS and the components of a TARGET MARKET. Complete digitally as a Google Slides or easily convert to a Microsoft PowerPoint file. You can also print out to get students off their devices.

Students are prompted to choose:

  • Five stores to describe in the first activity,
  • Five performers/events to analyze in the second activity,
  • Three toys to analyze in the third activity.
  • The last activity I have my students complete ALL fast food items.  Sharing and discussing answers after they complete the activities is the BEST part as students enjoy the banter. This also offers a great opportunity to address ‘fair, ethical and appropriate analysis’ with students.

Great Critical Thinking! Great class discussions! NO PREP!

The reason that I have students choose a few in the first three activities is because students have proven to not be familiar with all of the stores, entertainers, and toys (but this offers a fabulous opportunity to expose students to them all)! You can make this your own….if you want them to do them all….it takes about an hour for all to be completed.  This is not an editable file for various reasons.

Just send to Google Classroom and have students complete digitally OR print out to do with pencil and paper.

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