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Business Communications Semester Course Curriculum Bundle – Soft Skills / Employability Skills Digital Activities

$ 179.00

My Business Communications Full Semester Course Bundle is a robust collection of Six Communication Units for your Business Communications class…but these versatile lessons and projects are perfect for your other business classes…Intro to Business, Entrepreneurship, Computer Applications, Career class, etc! So many essential workplace communication and employability skills taught!

✅There are Six (6) Business Communication Units covering:

  • Active Listening
  • Basic Communication Process  – Types of Communication
  • Technology and Communication
  • Professionalism and Etiquette
  • Written Communication
  • Employment Communication
  • Easy, 100% Secure Checkout
  • Instant access to download your files
  • Create an account to download anytime
A picture of some credit cards and logos.


My Business Communications Full Semester Course Bundle is a robust collection of Six Communication Units for your Business Communications class. My Business Communications course includes discovery lessons, jobs, projects, and opportunities for students to demonstrate competency while improving their soft skills, writing skills, oral communication skills, etiquette, and other essential employability skills. The lessons allow your students an opportunity to discover and explore business reports and other business documents, blog posts, formal writings, active listening, texting at work, phone etiquette, and so MUCH MORE and also prepare students for the real-world while creating their own business communication documents!

✅There are Six (6) Business Communication Units covering:

  • Active Listening
  • Basic Communication Process  – Types of Communication
  • Technology and Communication
  • Professionalism and Etiquette
  • Written Communication
  • Employment Communication


✅There are Ten (10) jobs included where students can display competency on creating professional presentations; formatting business documents; writing blog posts, letters, memos and emails; preparing employment documentation; and so much more!

  • Job #1 – Students create a professional slide deck.
  • Job #2 – Write an Email about Texting Guidelines at Work.
  • Job #3 – Write a Blog Post.
  • Job #4 – Create a Google Keep list of tasks.
  • Job #5 – Write a Code of Conduct for your classroom.
  • Job #6 – Write a Formal Letter to a small business you love.
  • Job #7 – Write an Office Memo.
  • Job #8 – Write a Letter of thanks to a hero.
  • Job #9 – A Google Applications productivity simulation using Google Slides, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts to create a project portfolio, create a purchase order, make a To-Do List, schedule a meeting, manage business contacts, and write meeting notes.
  • Job #10 – a REAL-WORLD simulation that prepares students for the employment documents needed to land a job – the job search, the resume, the cover letter, the job application, the interview, the follow-up thank you letter, etc.


⭐Rubrics are included for each job!⭐

▶️▶️Here is a video tour of this course.▶️▶️

✅Also includes Seasonal Holiday activities for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, Valentine’s day and 2 Sub Day activities!

✅The lessons are organized in an easy-to-navigate lesson library in the recommended order that the material be taught. There are links to the resources, links to teacher’s keys or student examples, pacing guide, and a list of National Business Education Association (NBEA) Standards that the material covers.

✅This Business Communications course includes everything that the teacher needs for success, including many teacher notes, tips, and suggestions.

✅No tests included included in this resource to allow for teacher autonomy on student assessment. Also, ready-made tests and quizzes can be bought and easily shared on the internet by students. I suggest using the projects, jobs, and activities within the bundle to evaluate and assess your students…which will also save you time grading papers.

✅This material is perfect for a Google classroom or a Microsoft classroom. Most lessons are designed for student led classroom instruction, but also are perfect for independent study and homeschooling.

⭐ IMPORTANT REAL-WORLD LIFE SKILL LESSONS FOR ANY HIGH SCHOOL or MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT – essential Business Communications and Career and Technical Education (CTE) technology, communication, employability and soft skills lessons!⭐

✅ All activities and lessons are DIGITAL and attach easily to any learning management system as they are in Google Doc and Google Slide format that easily convert to Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint – some can be printed out.


✅ What’s Included?

  • Lesson Library that keeps the instructor organized
  • Student Copies
  • Teacher’s Keys
  • Pacing Guides / Expected Time
  • National Business Education Association (NBEA) Standards


✅ Perfect for Middle School, High School, Homeschool, Adult Education, and Higher Education students.

**All resource links are flattened, so students CANNOT copy and paste their answers. Students must use their critical thinking skills and build on their knowledge in order to complete the prompts.**

⚠️SPECIAL BONUS: When buying this BUNDLE, you receive an Easy-to-Follow LESSON LIBRARY! (See the Preview). The lesson library is a valuable tool for the teacher that lists all the lessons in the order of recommended instruction, links to the lessons, Teacher’s Keys, Pacing Guide, and the NBEA standards cross-walked!


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